Lock Stock & Barrel Investments is Expanding! Announcing Our First Satelite Intake Office in Morro Bay California
Taking Stock #42
Lock Stock & Barrel Investments is Expanding! Announcing Our First Satelite Intake Office in Morro Bay California
Lock Stock & Barrel Investments is a business designed to efficiently sell client firearms for top dollar, delivering more money to the sellers than any of their competition. The seller is the primary customer at Lock Stock & Barrel, though serving the seller also means providing top quality service to buyers and accurate representation of merchandise to the market. This service quality and attention to detail is evident in the always strong market (and frequently above market) prices that are realized at Lock Stock & Barrel Investment’s auctions.
Lock Stock & Barrel is a “factory”, where guns are taken in, legally processed, photographed, researched & described, stored, auctioned and then shipped. This “factory” allows them to process a high volume of guns, now about 175 firearms per auction and auctions running nearly 365 Days a year. Despite the volume, every single gun gets the same treatment, description and photography set. Nothing there is ever rushed through or passed over, and this is why every single gun sold, sells for top dollar.
This “factory” goes through guns at an alarming rate, and therefore needs a lot of guns to process every week to keep the gears moving and the ever growing staff busy there. Luckily, and due to the hard work of the entire staff, guns are coming in and are coming in almost as fast as Lock Stock & Barrel can sell them. That said, they provide a great service, that is in high demand, and they are opening up a new storefront in Morro Bay to serve a new market – The Central California Coast.
The Simi Valley Location is our home office and is the “factory floor”. This is where everything is stored while waiting out a 30 day Department of Justice hold, then photographed, described, researched, auctioned and then shipped. Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of the operation.